I was inspired to write this from something I wrote for my animal reproduction exam. I was writing about how the sperm fertilises the egg and as I got to the point where the sperm actually fertilises the egg, I almost wrote, "and the two become one."
And I was struck with how so many everyday things (ok, so I'll admit, most people don't know the actual process of sperm maturation and fertilisation, but it happens everyday nonetheless) parallel with spiritual principles. The one of which I am specifically referring to in this case would be marriage (if you hadn't already guessed).
The sperm has to leave the male reproductive tract (where it grows and matures) and swim through the female reproductive tract to find the egg. It doesn't fully reach maturity until completing most of the journey to the egg.
It kind of reminds me of how a man must leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife...and the 2 shall become 1. Sound familiar? And I also believe there's no coincidence in the fact that it's the sperm's job to find the egg, not the other way around.
Of course it's not a perfect analogy, as there usually aren't thousands of men competing for one woman, and most men don't face multiple near-death experiences or have immune cells trying to eat them, but I can say that there are some pretty cool parallels.
One male and one female, who are whole (100%) beings on there own, come together (like in marriage) and accomplish more together than they could apart. And talk about it being good to find a wife? Of the millions of sperm that are ejaculated, the only one who's fate doesn't end in death is the one that successfully fertilises the egg. But the coolest thing in my mind is that this fertilisation process, with so many parallels to marriage, serves the ultimate purpose to make a baby (not saying that all married ppl have to have kids, but its one of the perks). The zygote grows into a baby, and if that sperm happened to deliver a Y chromosome, that baby will eventually grow up to be a man, who will leave his father and mother to cleave to his wife, and the process will once again begin with the sperm maturing and setting out on the adventure to find his 'wife'.
Coincidence? I think not.
I love this! Such a cool perspective. Totally loved reading the previous post, as well. Your writing style is grand. Love how God draws parallels through everything.. such glorious creation :)