He didn't know that he had a purpose, or that many were working on his behalf, protecting him from those who sought to destroy him, acting as a barrier, a shield. He didn't know that others were working to equip him to be able to survive against those who would come after him later with the same intent, his demise.
He didn't know he had been chosen, that he had a purpose. He just knew that he seemed to be stuck going in the same direction as all the others surrounding him, subject to those larger forces around him. But although he didn't know it, all these experiences were maturing him so that he could fulfill his purpose.
Soon came the time for him to leave the place he had been born, the comforts of familiarity.
He entered a new place, a new environment, and that time of a maturity came in handy. In this place, every moment was a new obstacle, a new adventure, another chance to die.
Many with whom he'd grown up with had already fallen, but he and those who remained with him continued on the perilous journey.
He finally makes it to a place on the journey where the environment is not so harsh. He seems to coast for a bit, and he becomes complacent. But then, he encounters a new experience. Something like he's never yet experienced.
In this new environment, some unknown force surrounds him that begins stripping him of the hardness that he had developed over the course of his life.
With this newly acquired clarity, he realises his purpose, and for the first time in his life, he begins to trek his path quickly and determinedly.
Those that surround him race to try and steal his price.
But finally, after a grueling journey, he makes it.
He finds...Her!
She of course is surrounded by fortified defenses, but he hasn't come this far to give up. He breaks through to get to her and when he finally does, he realises that the journey was worth it.
Upon his presence, she becomes his, and all the others are immediately turned away. Then, a beautiful thing happens.
SYNGAMY...the two become one
and form a zygote.
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