Sunday, June 27, 2010

Onomatapia in use

Vroom, Vroom
My car is driving
I park, I sit
time passes
click, Slam
I lock the car and close the door
step-squeek-step squeek
up the stairs I go
Hello, How are you?
chatter chatter chatter
Fill this out, sign here
and here, here, and Oh, there as well
"You've got the job, start this afternoon"
down the stairs I bound
Into the car
back up and begin the drive home
Vroom, vroom, vroom
thinking quietly to myself
talking to God
maybe a combo of both
smoke rises behind me
releasing the smell of burnt rubber
Thank God I didn't hit that deer
as it ran across the road

1 comment:

  1. hahaha...this made me smile :) YAY for a job! PRAISE THE LORD!
